The Pan-Africanist Congress

In total submission to humankind and humble submission to Almighty God, we, the African people forming the nation of the republic of Azania, declare that: the land mass within the boundaries of Azania rightly belongs to all the individuals who hitherto were members of sovereign kingdoms and chiefdoms that obtained in this republic before the advent of colonial land dispossession, which individuals at this time constituted the overwhelming majority of the multi-cultural nation of the republic of Azania that later came into existence.

As land dispossession and the resistance to it constituted the primary feature of the interaction between the African people and the colonialists up until the discovery of gold, which merely changed the methods of exploitation and oppression and ushered in political resistance instead of military resistance, we hold that not until the land mass (sic) of the republic of Azania has been equitably and economically redistributed, shall the idea of freedom hold any substance.

Following from the above, we are absolutely convinced that all contradictions of history, politics and nationhood in our country cannot be reconciled except through the complete end to the colonial dispossession and the rigorous economic restructuring by way of economic distribution that results in economic equity for all, the only true basis on which political equality and enjoyment of human rights in a non-racial society can be firmly founded.

Therefore, there is a need to create society of politically free, decolonised and economically satisfied citizens of one democratic Azania on this basis, who share a common patriotism paying allegiance only to a united republic of Azania whose sovereignty shall vest in the totality of political and constitutional power of each and every individual citizen regardless of race, sex, class or creed.

There is therefore a need for writing by elected representatives of the people of a Constitution that puts the freedom and dignity of citizens and humanity at the centre of all things and activity. Such a constitution shall be a constitution spelling out the interdependence of political freedom, decolonisation and socio-economic justice and equity which only a democratically elected African government can promote.


Audio Visual

President Mandela gives his State of the Nation address in Parliament. Mandela ends his address with the words, “Let us all get down to work”.

“We must construct that people-centred society of freedom in such a manner that it guarantees the political and the human rights of all our citizens.”– President Mandela, extract from State of the Nation Address, 24 May 1994

President Nelson Mandela announces his cabinet. It includes members of the African National Congress, National Party and Inkatha Freedom Party.

“There was pride in serving in the first democratic government in South Africa, and then the additional pride of serving under the iconic leadership of Nelson Mandela … [He] represented the hopes of not just our country, but of oppressed, marginalised and the poor in the world.”– Jay Naidoo, then Minister of RDP housing
“We place our vision of a new constitutional order for South Africa on the table not as conquerors, prescribing to the conquered. We speak as fellow citizens to heal the wounds of the past with the intent of constructing a new order based on justice for all.”– President Nelson Mandela, 10 May 1994